Friday-appointment with oncologist
discussed bloating in abdomen, doc looks at scan, Roger might
and be a bit blocked
Roger will be taking 10 doses of miralax each day for 3 days
that is 30 doses of Miralax.
Rest of news is great, PSA remains at 2.6 and cancer is stable.
Saturday-Day one of Bowel Performance
After the 5th dose today, Roger begins to complain.
I tell him, I could just give him a "bomb" and call it a day.
A "bomb" is 6 oz of prune juice, heated, and 2 tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia.
Roger says no, he loves me and he will behave.
He does not like the hot prune flavored chalk.
I feel like I have a new lease on life with this new threat.
Will update, I suppose I do not need to tell you where Roger is at this time. It should be apparent.
Love to all!
Having a rough time, Roger really low, nauseous. Doesn't help that he had his Lupron and Xgeva shots on Friday. The Lupron causes a lot of pain in his hip. Takes Hydrocodone for pain the day after, which does not help the digestive process. Cheers to Roger, he is such a fighter.